UC transfer companions

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Transfer companion screen
Transfer your heroes between parties

Originally this feature was in a separate mod Transfer Companions that had many issues with Taleworlds many updates and ended really hard to maintain on it's own. It was originally supposed to be a temporary mod until Taleworlds integrate the feature to the game, but with the release of 1.0.0 and later 1.1.0 it looked like their direction was to never allow player to have companions outside of the main party. That's the two reason it was reworked, improved for performance and compatibility then integrated to Useful Companions 0.5.0.

How it works[edit]

When meeting with another party of your clan and using the dialogue to manage their troops, UC will now allows you to move heroes just like any regular troops with a few restrictions. They must not be assigned any role, and it shouldn't be the main hero (Of course). Also you can't assign them to a garrison as they are not really parties and would lead to many issues at least in M&B2 v1.1.x. But it might be allowed later if the game evolves in the right direction and allows captains or party roles for cities.

Assigning roles[edit]

When a party have more than one hero in, it's display on the clan page automatically changes to allow you to set party roles correctly and you have just to set them to your liking like you would with your own main party. This is in 0.5.0 using the default M&B2 interface and nothing have been changed here so far, the game handles this not too bad on it's own. It is however planned to change this interface a bit to allow a better control on your parties like a button to enable or not the auto rebuild option for each.

Auto party rebuild[edit]

Introduced in 0.5.0 this feature is still work in progress. The game will now remember how you set your parties and will automatically rebuild them if they are defeated with all the heroes assigned to the right role and ready to fight removing the tedious micromanagement to re-transfer them and assign again the roles.

Caravan management[edit]

In 0.5.0 your caravans aren't rebuilt automatically.

Technical information[edit]

Unlike original Transfer companions UC do not use reflection anymore to achieve the same result, instead it detects what viewmodel is currently in use by the screen manager and reach this way for the party transfer screen when it shows up. Once UC has access to the screen it replaces its logic with a new one using the decorated pattern. This new approach should be a lot easier to maintain and compatible with any mod changing the transfer screen logic as long as UC loads after.

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