UC manage food

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Quartermaster's menu
Quartermaster's food managing menu.
Quartermaster's menu opions
Quartermaster's food menu options.

This is a new option available with Useful Companions allowing your party to buy food automatically.

How to use[edit]

You need first to set one of your companions as a quarter master, he is the one inside your party that will manage it for you. Then you need to speak to him and select the "We need to discuss your position in the clan" to be able to access the food management menu.


  • Change stock quantity sets how many days of food your quarter master will try to keep stocked into your inventory.
  • Change allocated funds sets how much gold at max (it's a percent) the quarter master will use to buy food in settlements.
  • Try to maximize party moral or Always buy the cheapest decides if the quarter master will try to buy various foods to keep moral as high as possible in the party or will buy the cheapest food to save gold.

How it works[edit]

If the quarter master have been tasked to manage the food, he will each time your party leave a settlement, try to buy the food needed to fill your request. You need to note this is not a guaranteed success as many things can prevent him accomplishing is duty, maybe there is not enough food in the settlement, maybe you have not enough gold left or you simply bought food before leaving the city, doing his job. This tasks is also triggered only when your party leave a settlement to be sure he do not use money you might want to use for something else, like a new weapon, so you need to be careful not spend all your money too often or this feature will simply stop working.

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