Deleted versions
Here is a list of Useful Companions versions that had been deleted and the reason why. If you are using any of those versions it's strongly recommended to upgrade to another version and check why it has been removed.
Version 0.5.0[edit]
In this version there is a crash happening when one of your heroes leading a party is killed and UC tries to then rebuild it. If you are using Taleworld's death module it's strongly recommanded to update to 0.5.1 or after, if you are not using this module you shouldn't have any trouble.
Version 0.4.3[edit]
With the official release of M&B2 Taleworld changed the way companions were added to the game, a dummy culture was created to allow the Wise to make it to the game. Sadly this dummy culture was corrupting the save games and adding a few glitches in game. Newer version of UC do not use this method anymore and went for something more compatible with mods and safe for your saves. If you are using this version any save used with the faulty version will be lost when upgrading.
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