UC Governors works
This is a list of all governor features introduced with UsefulCompanions since 0.4.0 (first part of the governor update)
How it works[edit]
Some of those features affects all the governors in the game (Including NPCs) while a few are specific to the player. Of course if you want to enjoy all those features you need to own a town or castle and set one of your companion as governor of this settlement. Some features are available only for castles, others only for towns, most are for both.
Notables support[edit]
Everyday for each notable not supporting the settlement's owner clan the governors will try to get local notables in cities and bound settlement to change who they support, the result depends of various things :
- The highest the charm skill of the governor, the better
- If the notable is already supporting another hero, the worst his reputation with him, the better
- Since 0.4.5 InBloom and Young And Respectful perks improve the outcome for matching genders
Each successful notable changing his support will grant the governor some charm experience. Note this also works for NPC clans.
Ransoming prisoners[edit]
Since 0.4.6 everyday governors will ransom prisoners in town or castle prison if they are too many. In vanilla Bannerlord the prison capacity depends from the wall level of a settlement, with a capacity of 30 at max level. To avoid prisoners escaping governors will now ransom non heroes, starting with the lower tier to get down this limit and keep at least 10% of empty room. Note if there are only heroes in the prison, they won't ransom anybody and will still have overpopulated prisons.
Changing trade bound settlements[edit]
- First what is a trade bound settlement? Each village in Banner lord is bound to a castle or town, that's why they change owner when the town or castle are conquered, but they also have a town they are bound to only for trade purpose. For towns, trade bound and bound are the same but for castle they are different.
- What is the issue with trade bound settlements? In vanilla game the trade bound settlement is always the closest town, what could lead to stupid behavior like your villagers trading with the enemy while your nearby town have no good. For example Makheb is supplied not only by villages around the town but also the empire settlements fromthe other side of the river while Amprela don't get any iron or wood.
- What UC is changing? Since 0.4.5 every day if there is a governor assigned to a castle he will check for each bound village where it is trading his goods and change the target more accordingly. Not only it will take in consideration distance, but also culture and kingdom. Villages will prefer to trade with towns of the same culture and the same kingdom, they will also avoid kingdom they are at war with.
Economy control[edit]
In M&B2 the food consumption of a town is ruled by the garrison and the prosperity, the higher they are the more food will be consumed. When starvation appears the garrison will be disbanded to free some food and it's usually not enough to stop the downward spiral leaving your town vulnerable. With UC 0.4.7 and after your governor will prevent prosperity to increase when there is no extra food available, but they will be also able to reduce this prosperity if the food stocks are low and no extra food is making it in the city.
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