Useful Companions

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Caravan improved party size

Useful companions is a mod that improves usefulness of Mount & Blade 2 companions, allowing them to earn more experience out of combat and brings new options both to level them and use them in the game. This mod do not use harmony and is given a lot of care to avoid conflict as much as possible while remaining as fast as possible.


  • New wanderers suited for non fighting tasks and roles.
  • Various new ways to earn experience for heroes.
  • A new system to lure bandits out of their hideouts using your scout and engineer.
  • Allows quartermasters to manage food automatically on each visit in a town.
  • Caravans are reworked to be a viable and interesting alternative to workshops.
  • Various improvement for all parties depending on hero roles and skills.
  • Reworked wanderers spawn and travelling.
  • Governors works now actively for the clan.
  • The scout improve player's infiltration chances.
  • Soft respec your companions focus and attributes.
  • Add some options to adjust clans attributes.
  • Transfer companions between your parties.

What is planned[edit]

Generally the mod will try to give more options related to companions to deal with situations, especially if they are related to management and more generally non combat oriented.
Are planned for the current major update :

  • Governors would allow a private tournament for their clan to improve fighting skills out of combat. (Delayed)
  • Governors would allow a siege simulation with player army against garrison to train both sides in such situation. (Delayed)
  • Rework of how heroes are generated to have more consistent skills attributes and focus points, to also have wanders with slightly lower level and easier to customize.

Get started[edit]

Technical information[edit]

Here are some technical information for people wondering how it works.

  • No dependencies are required, there might be some in the future but will be fully optional.
  • The config file is located in your document and is a XML file you can open with any text editor, keeping your preferences even if you uninstall and reinstall the mod.
  • It doesn't use Harmony and will never.
  • Quartermaster autobuy food preferences are stored into your savegame using Bannerlord system, it should keep them even if you remove the mod. Simple data types are used to not bloat your save and keep the mod as compatible as possible.
  • Completely save compatible, you can turn it on or off whenever you want.
  • Since 0.4.6 UC uses the decorated pattern to make it compatible with other mods changing game models.