Download Useful Companions
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External link to latest versions[edit]
- On Nexus mods for stable and beta.
- On steam workshop for stable version only.
Internal link for any M&B2 version[edit]
Latest versions
- UsefulCompanions 0.5.4 for M&B2 v1.2.9
Older versions
- UsefulCompanions 0.5.3 for M&B2 v1.2.5 to v1.2.7
- UsefulCompanions 0.5.2 for M&B2 v1.1.4 to v1.1.6
- UsefulCompanions 0.5.1 for M&B2 v1.1.2 to v1.1.3
- UsefulCompanions 0.5.1 for M&B2 v1.1.0 to v1.1.1
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.7 for M&B2 v1.0.0 to 1.0.3
- UsefulCompanions 0.5.0 deleted reasons
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.6 for M&B2 v1.0.2
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.5 for M&B2 v1.0.2
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.4 for M&B2 v1.0.2
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.3 deleted reasons and patch here
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.2 for M&B2 1.0.0
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.2 for M&B2 1.9.x
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.2 for M&B2 1.8.x
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.2 for M&B2 1.7.2
- UsefulCompanions 0.4.1 for M&B2 1.7.1
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.17a for M&B2 1.7.0
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.16a for M&B2 1.6.5
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.16 for M&B2 1.6.4
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.15 for M&B2 1.6.3
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.14 for M&B2 1.6.2
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.13 for M&B2 1.6.1
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.12 for M&B2 1.6.0
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.10 for M&B2 1.5.9
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.10 for M&B2 1.5.8
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.9 for M&B2 1.5.7
- UsefulCompanions 0.3.9 for M&B2 1.5.6
Optional downloads[edit]
- Official french translation UC 0.4.3 and after
- Official french translation before UC 0.4.2
- Version 0.5.3
- Added an option to turn off auto party rebuild.
- Added an option to increase party number.
- Improved translation files.
- Fixed two potential crash caused by clans without leaders.
- Version 0.5.1 and 0.5.2
- Fixed a crash when partyleader hero died and trying to rebuild the party.
- Improved compatibility with other mods.
- Some code optimization.
- Version 0.5.0
- Added Transfer Companions features, you can now move heroes to other parties if they are not affected to a job.
- Added an auto rebuild party feature that saves how your parties are set up. (Not properly tested)
- Fixed a crash with autobuy feature when food in town is too low.
- Updated translation files.
- Version 0.4.7
- Fixed a crash with autobuy feature when food in town is too low.
- Governors can now reduce the prosperity of a town to try to avoid starvation
- Updated translation files
- Party update prepatch
- Version 0.4.6
- NH2 updated with decorated pattern feature
- Clanmodel, Partysizelimitmodel and inventorycapacitymodel now uses the new decorated pattern to improve mod compatibility (including with improved Garisson)
- Governors now ransoms prisoners over the castle or town max limit (to avoid prisoners to escape)
- Known issue : using autobuy food in a town with low food might cause a crash, deactivate the autobuy feature if you have the issue
- Version 0.4.5
- QuarterMaster now earn trade XP when autobuying food
- Improved the autobuy food feature to be more efficient
- InBloom and YoungAndRespectful charm perks are now used by quartermasters to recruit prisoners
- Governor get some XP depending on the milita training in one of the 6 fighting skill randomly
- Governors of castles can change the trading town for each bound village
- InBloom and YoungAndRespectful charm perks are now used by governors to get notables support
- Added a soft respect for companions as a dialogue option
- Fixed versionning issue
- UC clan model is now turned off by default
- Version 0.4.4
- Fixed an issue where your parties where dropping troops in your garrisons even if forbidden to in the config file
- Fixed all 0.4.3 issues.
- Version 0.4.3
- Fixed an issue were bandits weren't leaving their hideout when successfully luring them out.
- Fixed an issue preventing "the wise" wanderer from spawning in game since m&b2 1.7
- Minor optimization in code spawning wanderers.
- Mod path have been changed, you may need to uninstall previous versions of the mod before installing this one, translations might not work until updated.
- Version 0.4.2
- Messages telling the player a notable is now supporting him have been tweaked to not spam the chat anymore.
- Solved crash with custom battles or the benchmark
- Version 0.4.1 and 0.4.0
- NoHarmony2 updated to 1.0.6 for compatibility issues with M&B2 1.7.1 and after
- Converted all files to UTF8 with no BOM as they should be
- Removed the 5 gold given everyday to player
- Solved Quatermaster amnesia issue after saving/loading introduced with Bannerlord 1.7.1
- Added a new governor wanderer : The wise
- Version 0.3.17
- Fixed a random crash on wanderer generation
- Version 0.3.14
- Fixed XP not being correctly awarded to player's clan parties
- Version 0.3.13
- NoHarmony updated for new m&B version
- Governor update prepatch
- Added new options in config file
- Improved Turkish translation thanks Murat Mansur Çıkıntoğlu
- Version 0.3.12 and 0.3.11
- NoHarmony updated for 1.6.x compatibility
- Fixed the party size issues for caravans
- Fixed prisoner number not affected by scouts roguery issue
- Fixed issue with Two Faced perk
- Fixed crash when luring bandit boss out
- Slight change in how disguise chance are calculated
- Version 0.3.9
- Fixed possible bug for hideouts menu when being in an army
- Introduced new texts for future localisations in UC models
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